Yvonne Davies Logo

Providing advice and support for tenants and housing organisations

Contact Yvonne

Call: 07867 974659
Email: yvonne@yvonnedavies.com


On Scrutiny and Empowerment, this involves the development of a new national benchmarking tool on tenant scrutiny - www.tenantadvisor.net and training and consultancy to support tenants as armchair auditors. The Government, the Housing Regulator and the Ombudsman are supporting our next national conferences by making speeches, taking part in workshops and listening to the debate. The details of the conferences and the booking form follow below. I hope you can join us, i look forward to seeing you there.

About Us

We are an advice and support consultancy business for tenants and housing organisations.

We are passionate about improving neighbourhoods and services. We support a route to excellence through continuous improvement, change management and performance delivery support in a practical way which can be tailored to local circumstances and which are sustainable.

We are headed up by Yvonne Davies, with a team of senior, specialist associates. Yvonne is the former Head of Housing and Economic Development for the Audit Commission and formerly Managing Director of a Liverpool Housing Association. She is highly qualified in Housing, Management and Planning. Yvonne has spent over 27 years, working in and with Councils, Housing Associations and for TPAS in the Midlands and the North of England, through changes in regulation, changes strategies and service delivery.

Our associates understand the big picture, they are practical people who understand organisational change and have skills in diagnosis and have advised many businesses on improvement and excellence.

Our Services

We are an ethical business and we are discreet. We offer services at reasonable rates for our work with tenants and landlords.

We want you to be positive about your experience of working with us.

The range of services we offer are wide and varied. Here are some of support contracts we are currently working on:

  • Capacity building for tenant inspectors
  • Capacity building for tenant scrutiny panels
  • Policy review
  • Service review
  • Organisational review
  • Equality Impact Assessments
  • Diversity Training
  • Regulation and Inspection advice
  • Health checks and mock inspections
  • Critical friend
  • Performance management
  • Change management
  • Improvement planning
  • Self-assessment
  • Delivery of training both 'in house' and national
We have associates with complementary skills in many other areas, including:

  • Value for money assessment
  • Getting the most from your action planning and monitoring
  • Governance
  • Complaints resolution and policy support
  • Recruitment
  • Housing advice
  • Housing strategy
  • Homelessness
  • Private sector housing
  • Housing benefit
  • Economic development